Saturday 22 June 2013

Apologies for the interruption to this service

Hello anyone and everyone, I just wanted to apologise for the erratic updating of this blog recently; I know it's not in line with the nature of the challenge and it's also disappointing for anybody who might be checking here regularly, so I'll try harder not to let it slide.

I am actually up to date at the moment, but updates for the last two days have been postponed due to... ahem... problems with my dongle*. After 3 months' loyal and unstinting service my wireless broadband contract ran out yesterday, leaving me once again with no connection to the Internet. I'm writing from an undisclosed location (undisclosed due to the extreme disapprobation I would receive from many different directions were it revealed) where I don't have access to the latest photos to upload them, but I'm looking to purchase a new dongle* as soon as possible so that I can catch up on overdue posts. Until then, please bear with me.

Have a lovely weekend, everybody :]

*Heeheehee, 'dongle'...!

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