Sunday, 9 June 2013

24. No Time

Another double one for this theme, since I didn't actually do any Post-It note drawing at all on Saturday. In my (possibly ineffectual) defense, it was my birthday! I had a hands-down completely amazing day, though I did regret not doing my daily drawing and was very happy to do two to make up for it! The theme actually reminded me of my frequent post timing, whereby I often pick up a pencil and start at gone 11pm, but also of Cinderella at the ball, so I decided to run with it after one sort-of Disney-related post (3. Light) and do two related drawings. It didn't hurt that after a wonderful day and evening I felt just like Cinderella at the ball! 

This top one is supposed to be Cinderella leaving the palace, hence the Post-It note stairs (note her missing glass slipper and rather large, Ugly Sister-esque foot - definitely swollen after all that dancing already!); I thought it might be fun to start trying to think outside the box a bit in terms of what to do with the Post-It notes and how to present them. I also photographed them stuck to my window at night, which was again trickier than I anticipated and involved all manner of crouching and waving the camera around to avoid the flash and my own shadow!

The second drawing is the coach turning back into the pumpkin - I remembered that lovely scene where the fairy godmother turns the mice, the pumpkin, and everything else into Cinderella's retinue and looked it up for inspiration. I love the shapes of the pumpkin tendrils as they turn into the wheels. It's so bittersweet when the clock strikes midnight and everything returns to it's original shape. I like this one a lot, though it is very, very heavily referenced (Gus and Jack included as extra though!). I looked up the music as well while I was painting last night and it is wonderful. Now I'm really keen to watch the film again - it's been such a long time since I last saw it. Bring on the Disney classics!

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