Friday, 14 June 2013

30. Under the Rain

The Shawshank Redemption is one of those films that garners praise from multiple corners, but which genuinely is a thrill to watch, at least in my opinion. I always overlook how much I love it until I have the opportunity to watch it again. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it - I'm about due to see it again, actually. The scene in the rain near the end - reference photo here - is amazing and the perfect way to capture this theme.

In unrelated news, I've figured out how to adjust comment settings on Blogger, so now hopefully anybody should be able to leave comments on posts. Please do, if you'd like to - I'd love to get your feedback! Also, a massive thank you to everybody who's been following Post-It Note Diaries on its 30 day (so one month, sort of) anniversary! I hope you've been enjoying it so far! I definitely have, though it's certainly been tough to keep it up sometimes (sooooo lazy)!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! So evocative of the scene and lighting from the film!
