Friday, 31 May 2013

16. Questioning

It took me a while to come up with an idea that I wanted to run with for this one, but I'm happy with what I turned up and how it turned out! It might not be all that original, though I like to think of it as more of a prequel to this well-known epiphany, which in turn will inevitably lead to displacement ("Why were we even looking for those droids in the first place?"), recriminations ("Nobody ever tells me anything!"), and job dissatisfaction ("Why did I even join the Empire?"). Questioning things can be a slippery slope, especially if one of your main functions within the Imperial hierarchy is to do as you're told.

I thought I'd take a bit of time here to explain yesterday's post. The idea came from a conversation yesterday evening at board games night (supremely good, clean, geeky fun) when I asked for suggestions and my work buddy Alex immediately volunteered Trappist monks, who take a vow of silence. This was equally quickly disputed by Chris, who maintained that the Trappists are actually known for brewing beer. The beer-silence dichotomy was resolved later with reference to Wikipedia, but I thought it would be fun to combine the two ideas. I completed it last  night but then was so tired that I posted it to make sure it was sort of on time (I often veer into the next morning when finishing these) and went to bed, intending to write up something to accompany it the next day.  However, Alex saw it early and persuaded me to leave it blank as a kind of meta-reference to the theme, which was actually a genius suggestion on his part since it brings the concept of silence to what is otherwise an only tangentially related picture of two monks with pints. Job done, team.

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